What is an industry that makes all of their money based on sex? This question is simple. The pornography industry makes more money than the NFL, NBA and MLB combined annually. How can an industry that is not family friendly and is frowned upon by a good portion of our society create so much revenue? This industry generates $10-14 billion dollars a year. The way they make money is through internet sites, magazine publications, movies, clubs, conventions, phone services, etc... Not only is the porn industry profiting, but the blue collar corporations who try and remain anonymous are profiting as well. Corporations such as Time-Warner Cable, AOL, News Corporation, AT&T, DirecTV, Echostar, Marriott and many more. Marriott and DirecTV are both different corporations which both share the same link to the pornography industry.

DirecTV is a satellite company which provides mass amounts of channels and the ability to rent movies for a cheaper price than movie stores (i.e. Blockbuster). This company also has something that renting at Blockbuster might be a bit embarrassing or uncomfortable for some. Renting pornographic movies is a MAJOR source of revenue for DirecTV. The average home rents 2.5-3 adult movies per MONTH! These movies don't come cheap either. Not only do they have movie rental but pornographic channels such as "Playboy Channel" or "The Hot Zone". These networks and movies make it easy for someone to enjoy an adult movie without the shame of leaving their house to go grab one.

Marriott Hotel also makes a big profit off of the adult entertainment industry. They provide the ability to rent adult movies in the comfort of their own hotel room. Adult movies account for 80% of the hotel's in-room entertainment profits earning them about $190 million per year. This service is provided in about 1.5 million hotel rooms around the nation. That is A LOT of pornography being watched. Most people would assume the main source of revenue would be the bar at hotels but this is not the case at most hotels. The rentals of adult movies is the big money maker.
These blue collar corporations are making so much money on this industry but aren't willing to own up to it fully. This isn't something being discussed on their annual reports and isn't something they are willing to comment on freely. It would give their corporation a bad name and could possibly lose customers because of it. I understand the reason behind not fully owning up to what your services provide but it shouldn't be so secret. The porn industry is everywhere with the internet these days. Customers are aware of where they can and cannot find pornography. Personally, I don't think this industry should be so frowned upon because sex is part of human nature. Although I do understand some of the content of these films are pretty graphic and degrading, it is anyone's choice to watch or rent these films at their own desire. It's funny seeing what corporations make money off of this industry. You would've never thought without doing a little research.
What are "blue-collar corporations"? Citations? What sources did you use for this post?