Being that this is my very first blog ever, I am going to do my best to make sense of this process.
Personally being a white, middle-class female I haven't been faced with much prejudice or obstacles in my life. I have seen a lot though because of people I am associated with (i.e. friends, family, co-workers, etc...) I have friends and family from all over the spectrum. Anywhere from black, gay, white, straight, pan-sexual (which I am still trying to make sense of), etc...
One example that comes to mind is an experience I had at a bar with my friend who is an African American male. We live in a town where white is the dominant race and African Americans are seldom. We had been at the bar for an hour or so when my friend went outside to his car and came back. When he came back, the bouncers would not let him back in because he was accused of touching a girl "inappropriately". I knew for a fact it wasn't him because we had been sitting at a table the entire night. The argument escalated quickly to the point where the bouncer called my friend a "stupid nigger". There were about 100 people in the bar yet my friend got singled out because of his race and how he presented himself. It was one of the most appalling things I've ever seen and still to this day disgusts me.
In reference to hegemony, there is a race ideology when it comes to blacks and whites. Black people are seen as uneducated thugs who are dangerous and involved in crime. This is why my friend was singled out at the bar and embarrassed in front of a bar full of people. He has never returned to that bar and we reported the bouncer. That bouncer hasn't returned either :) Hegemony has caused people to believe that what we know is what we know and can never be changed. As sad as this is, it is true all around the world and probably won't change. Too many ignorant people stuck in their ways.
In chapter one, we talked about the three approaches to studying media (political economy, textual analysis, audience reception).One example of the political economy which we discussed in class is reality television. Reality TV has taken over what we watch completely. These shows have been so profitable in more ways than one. These reality stars start out on a show then get into another one, then eventually are coming out with slippers and tanning lotion with their names on it. They go from regular average joe to a brand within a year. Although these people have no real talent (AKA Jersey Shore cast), they are so profitable it's sick. Snooki being one of the most profitable stars in reality television has been seen in a commercial for pistachios and has a slipper line coming out.
This is part of how the media makes money and it's working. So why not keep creating these pointless shows with people with no true talent in anything. They are money makers. So everyone quit school and go join a reality television cast, then maybe you too will become rich and famous. It's worth a shot. If Snooki can do it, anyone can do it. Haha.